
  • Warsali Alie Institut Studi Islam Fahmina


Society 5.0, education, digital divide, curriculum, teacher competence, distance learning, educational technology, STEM, 21st-century skills


The Society 5.0 era brings new challenges to the global education system, demanding significant transformation in teaching and learning approaches. This study aims to identify the main challenges faced by education in this era and to explore the efforts that have been made to overcome these challenges. Through a qualitative approach and case studies, this research reveals four main challenges: digital divide, curriculum adaptation, teacher competence, and distance learning management. The digital divide creates unequal access to technology between urban and rural areas. To address this, various initiatives have been launched, such as technology device distribution programs and the enhancement of internet infrastructure in remote areas. Traditional curricula need adaptation to incorporate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education and 21st-century skills, with some countries like Japan and Singapore successfully implementing technology-based curriculum reforms. Teacher competence is also a crucial focus, with continuous training programs designed to improve their capabilities in educational technology. Lastly, distance learning management requires adequate infrastructure and innovative teaching methods, which have been addressed through the implementation of online learning platforms and hybrid learning approaches. The research findings indicate that despite significant challenges, various efforts have shown positive results in several aspects. Enhancing technology infrastructure, curriculum reform, teacher competence development, and distance learning models are key steps in this educational transformation. The study concludes that stronger collaboration between governments, the private sector, and the education community is necessary to create a more adaptive, inclusive, and responsive education system to changes in the Society 5.0 era.

