CORAK KEBERAGAMAAN MASYARAKAT MULTIKULTURAL (Studi di Desa Lugusari Kecamatan Pagelaran Kabupaten Pringsewu)


  • Yusafrida Rasyidin UIN Raden Intan Lampung
  • Candra Setiawan UIN Raden Intan Lampung
  • Muhtadin UIN Raden Intan Lampung


Keberagamaan, Multikultural, Toleransi Beragama


This research aims to describe the diversity of multicultural communities who live and settle in a particular area or place, has different characteristics between one community with other citizens where each citizen wants to have a distinctive culture and characteristics. This can be seen in human life such as a variety of religions, habits, traditions, customs, tribes that match the characteristics of life. Religious diversity can be a disaster that contains potential conflicts. As a social reality, religion is often a problem, where religion on the one hand is considered an autonomous personal right, but on the other hand this right has complex social implications in people's lives. in fact, tolerance which is an important condition for the formation of harmony and peace is not realized. There are several obstacles that arise when realizing tolerance between religious communities, namely fanaticism that claims its own religion is the most correct, so to avoid disharmony it is necessary to foster a moderate way of religion, or an inclusive way of Islam or an open religious attitude.

This research is a qualitative study using the type of field research (field reseach). And the nature of research in this study is descriptive analysis, namely research that describes the state of an object to understand the religious patterns of multicultural communities in the village. The data sources used are primary and secondary data, as a form of research that is collecting data through interviews, observation, and documentation methods. To achieve the results of the study this researcher used Descriptive, Interpretation and continuity methods. Which analysis method is used to describe an object related to research by drawing conclusions.

In this study found that the Role of Multicultural Community Religion Lugusari Village Can Maintain Tolerance creates harmony, harmony, and peace. If the harmony has an influence on multicultural society, such as mutual understanding of one another, implementing a peaceful religious life, mutual tolerance, in terms of diversity, the above behavior has been seen in rural communities, so that peace has now been created and fostered until now The role of this community is as a basic description of the policy administrators, by having four religions that are believed by the community, namely Islam, Hinduism, Protestant Christianity, and Catholicism. The emergence of community diversity, namely in the context of religion in society, because of this reality, a negative concern arises, namely worrying about having an attitude of fanaticism between religious groups in society, then to protect it, FKUB is formed so that no conflict occurs. The realization of the system in community life is a reaction to the meaning of religion as a unity of belief systems in creating a moderate attitude, intended to reach an agreement on various dynamics to achieve religious harmony.


